Art Nouveau Walk

One stormy winter night in 1904, a fire raged through Ålesund. By morning, 850 houses were in ruins and more than 10,000 people were homeless. In the course of a record-breaking three years, the town rose from the ashes. This is how Ålesund became an art nouveau city with a rare architectural expression.

The guide will meet you on the quay and take you on a short walk through the city centre before visiting and touring Jugendstilsenteret (the Art Nouveau Centre). Stroll back to your Havila Voyages ship.

Direction: Northbound
Disembarkation port: Alesund
Embarkation port: Ålesund
Time: 10:30-12:30
Meal: None

Level: 1 
Season: Winter, spring (1 Nov - 31 May)
Min/max persons: 6 - 75
Booking reference: AESN4
Price: from $75 per person

No other city in Norway has so many art nouveau houses next to one another, and the city is renowned internationally for its architecture. There are towers and spires and flowering vines that twist along the buildings’ colourful facades wherever you turn.  A guided city walk will give you an insight into Ålesund's history and its people, and art nouveau details will be pointed out. 

The walk goes from Havila Voyages past the harbour with its fishing boats and pleasure boats and on to Apotekertorget (Pharmacy Square) where the city took shape almost 200 years ago. Here we visit the Jugendstilsenteret (the Art Nouveau Centre). Travel through time in the "From ashes to Art Nouveau" time machine, a multimedia exhibit that takes the audience back to the city fire in 1904. 

We also visit a local artist in his studio. We continue along Borgundfjorden, which has traditional cod fishing before we return through Kongens gate, one of the most beautiful pedestrian streets in Norway, with sumptuously decorated house facades.

Dear Bobby, Joanna and I wanted to reach out and say thank you for the great tour of Scandinavia and Russia you set us up on. Our tour was 18 days, starting in Copenhagen and ending in St. Petersburg. We've never visited that many countries in such a short amount of time! There was definitely a lot of transit involved which got tiring, but in the end it was worth it for how much ground we were able to cover. The different cultures and history in each country was great. I found the people in Denmark to be the friendliest. Loved the bike culture there. The fjords in Norway took our breath away and all of the ferry rides were beautiful. Had it not been for Joanna pushing me to do it, I don't know if I would have ever thought to visit Scandinavia, but I'm really glad we did. Thanks for your professionalism. We both appreciate it. Jeremy Hinze