Hot springs of Uunartoq

Visit to the hot springs in Uunartoq on an amazing boat trip through Arctic waters, before arriving to the hot springs. 1,5 hours stop gives you time to enjoy the hot pools and the contrast of icebergs floating by in the fjord. This tour is guided and includes lunch.

Hi Susie! We all got back safe and sound from our Norway travels yesterday and I am pleased to report that my brothers were all impressed with your ability to set up such a seamless and complex set of travel arrangements! I of course have grown to expect it. It all went off without a hitch! Like I told them, you are a pro! The Reykjavik airport continues to suck - overcrowded and always under construction and Iceland Air has continued to seek the bottom in frills but that’s what it takes to get there and we survived! At least the connection times were good, the flight staff pleasant and they didn’t lose our baggage. Norway in a Nutshell was a fun addition which we all enjoyed. Hurtigruten was as before, just a little more bloodthirsty! I can now say I definitely prefer the southbound voyage to the northbound. That’s because you see more of the Artic and Lofotens during daylight. I suppose others might have different preferences. We saw Northern Lights three nights in a row, experienced unseasonably good weather (glassy sea until approaching Nordcap, NO RAIN in Bergen, and no snow anywhere). All in all, it was a great trip and we all appreciated your great arrangements! Thanks, PeteRSr